Wednesday, June 23, 2010

System Overload

It seems that now a days everyone is in school. No matter your age or how many degrees you have already obtained a continued education is required by our society to keep one updated on their ever-changing job duties or for a simple pay raise. I myself am still in college. I do not feel that dedicated mothers that work a full 40 hours a week, go to school full time and are still able to attend their child's school play or baseball game get enough credit! I am extremely exhausted by the end of the week and I still have cleaning, errands, socializing, activities for clubs and organizations that my children and I belong to, family to visit, yard work and ten million other tasks to complete. Nothing is impossible ladies, you can have your cake and eat it too. So when you are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted do not wait on your husband to lend a hand...because they won't, they simply do not understand. You must take it upon yourself to relax and be happy. Two important things to remember!!! 1) Delegate: if you absolutely can not achieve every task you have set for the day then prioritize your tasks and delegate small ones to friends, your mother, or even your children with chore charts. 2) Take time for yourself. Whether it be a vacation, a massage, or a quiet shopping trip -YOU NEED ME TIME TO SURVIVE! To continue to be the Super Stiletto Mom you know you are you need to do these two things. They may just be your answer to sanity.

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